
deCycles Mexico to Canada 2013
Journal Entry
Date: July 9
Day19: Tuesday
Departure: Custer, SD
Arrival: Sturgis, SD

Distance:  66-miles.  Ave speed 15.9-mph.
Climate:  Sunny, clear.  The most beautiful day on the trip.  Mid 80s.
Overnight:   First Presbyterian Church of Sturgis.

66-miles in one day back in April or May would have been unthinkable to some of these riders.  Today it is considered almost a rest day.  What a difference when we make the change.  And that's what the core of Cricket's morning devotion was all about......making the change.  Being different and letting go of what doesn't work anymore.  The riders have proven their efforts to make a change.  They are transforming.....most of them.  

Today was the most beautiful day of riding deep in the heart of the Black Hills.  In the first 3-miles, we pedaled past Crazy Horse Monument off to the right of the road.  Then it was up and down through the Black Hills which will be dominated in 2-weeks by the Sturgis BIke Week.  You can tell there is preparation in order for that upcoming event.  The deCycles were actually pedaling through here back in 2001 during bike week and it was a 2-wheeled brotherhood.  But the Harley motorcycles were noisy.  Fortunately we didn't have to go thru that this time.  Anyway, the terrain was gorgeous with mountains, valleys, streams, and a beautiful smooth highway.  

Half the group were shuttled in the afternoon to Devils Tower in northeast Wyoming, about 90-minutes away.  The other half stayed back and relaxed.  Devils Tower was spectacular and the riders got to observe-some rock climbers trying to get to the top.  Then it was back to Sturgis for a meal prepared by the church.  We are indeed fortunate to have these people offer their facility and to cook a meal.  I hope we are deserving of their efforts.  

Tomorrow is a BIG distance day...around 135-miles as we scoot into North Dakota, our final state traveled on this trip.  Hopefully the weather will cooperate.  It will be twice the distance we did today.  We just have to look at it as mile-by-mile.  We can do it.
