Adult Volunteers
The deCycles program has had numerous volunteers and staff members over the years. This program would be impossible without volunteer support. Many parents have helped with motorized support on the road, food preparation and clean-up, map reading, maintenance and repair of cycling equipment, and general adult supervision and guidance. Each trip requires an additional 4-6 adult leaders and volunteers. Please contact us if you are interested in helping full or partial time. There is no entry fee for adult volunteers who drive the support vans. Several meetings will take place before the trip for adult volunteer orientation and description of duties. This can be a great experience!
Donations and sponsorships accepted.
Make checks payable to: deCyclesIndiana
deCyclesIndiana is sponsored by Unity of Bloomington.
~ Contact Information ~
Norm Houze, deCycles director
4165 Judee Dr.
Bloomington, INĀ 47401