Testimonials - What others have said about deCycles
"I have cried every time I think about this bike trip. It means so very much to me." Venus McCoy, IU sophomore, 1998 deCycles Rider of the Year
"I am so grateful for the support and guidance I received on the bike trip." Abbey Martin, BHSS senior. 1997 deCycles Rider of the Year
"People are amazed when I tell them what we did. I'm amazed myself! I even feel more healthy. Until this trip, it's probably been 30 years since I ate a banana." Robin Houze, accountant, 1998 Staff Rider
"Your arrival ceremony was very powerful for those parents & myself. The courage, fatigue, determination, solidarity, and love came across very clearly." Rick Owens MD, parent of rider Emily Owens
"The bike trip sounded so extreme. I didn't think it was for me. But once I decided to go, it was beyond all my expectations, more than I have ever done before. It's been the greatest experience of my life, and I have no regrets." Coraline Haitjema, BHSS senior
"At first I didn't want to go. It didn't seem like fun at all. My seven deCycles trips have been an unforgettable and awesome experience. I'm glad my parents made me go on that first trip." Daphne Houze, IU freshman, 1995 deCycles Rookie of the Year
"The first time I saw 60 riders with yellow shirts, flags, in riding formation in a big city police escort, it was so exciting. I wanted to be out there too!" Jennifer Adkins, 1998 Staff Driver
"I saw you coming into Bloomington. It was a parade and looked like right out of a movie. All those yellow shirts, orange flags, and riders shouting out with joy that they were coming home. It was wonderful!" Marianne Ackerson, Pre-College Piano Teacher at IU
"This trip will encourage you to spread eagle's wings. Fly like an eagle! It takes a special teamwork on a typical deCycles day of riding." Paul Arnesen, dentist, 1997-98 Staff Rider, 1972 deCycles Rider of the Year
"It was good for Keenan to be with kids who are just as smart if not smarter, just as fast if not faster and just as engaged with life as he is! Go deCycles and thank you for providing such an awesome ‘play pen’ for so many people!!" Ann St. John & Michael May
"Thank you very much for providing Grant a terrific experience. He really enjoyed the trip and all the people involved. I continued to be impressed with the logistics and moving parts of this trip. You made so many big and little things special. The return to Bloomington was terrific – Wow!! I know something about this will probably show up in a college application question response!!" Beth Nice
"Keenan gave about a 15 minute report in front of all 14 family members last night (with notes) about the deCycles trip. What a life changing experience!! But I don’t have to tell you that. Gosh, thanks AGAIN for everything you do." Ann St. John
"Thanks again for putting this on and equipping my daughter to feel like she can take on the world!" Nathan Seiling
"There were advanced riders and beginner riders. The amazing thing is that they somehow got down the road together at the same time." Bob Austin, educator, 1997-98 Staff Rider
"It's really special to be a part of this. This isn't something you see every day!" Hank Sonnenberg, educator, 1997-98 Staff Driver
"I've never done anything in my life so enriching or meaningful than this trip!" Jeannie Martin, BHSS sophomore, 1997 deCycles Rookie of the Year
"I fell in love with the riders and staff. I'm closer to God because of this trip!" Tanya Seiling, missions. 1998 Staff Driver
"It definitely pushes you! If you're too tired, it doesn't matter, you still have to do the mileage each day. After that experience everything else seems easy." It is such an incredible experience both mentally and physically. You have so many stories to bring back home. I have to come back. I can't imagine a summer without doing deCycles." Isabelle Seale, BHSS sophomore & 2-year veteran
"It gives me something to do other than sitting around watching TV." Wes Monts, Batchelor 8th grader. Rookie in 2001
"We're so used to being active now that while we watched TV, we ended up arranging the living room." Nadia and Annysa LaMantia, freshmen at BHSN and 2001 rookies
"The trip helped me nutritionally and spiritually. It helps you grow as an athlete and as a person. If there are things you are not happy about yourself, you have plenty of time to reflect on them during the ride. I think I am more self-disciplined, and my social skills have much improved." Matt Jensen, Jackson Creek Middle School student and 2001 rookie
"I will never forget the people I've met and the places I've gone on deCycles!" Matt Kull, Ft. Lauderdale HS student and 2001 rookie
"Words cannot express my gratitude for the impact deCycles has had on my life. Thanks for everything." Kim Gerbers, IU sophomore, 2000 Rookie of the Year, 2001 Rider of the Year
"Samara said the trip changed her life as it has ours. There's no other group quite like deCycles, and we are honored to be a small part of it. Thanks again for all your hard work and the genius behind each trip." Dave and Nancy Seiling
"It is so great to hear how well he did! I am so very proud of him! I bet the focus on the same goal of 1500 miles causes the kids to bond easily. It was all worth it when we saw him smiling and laughing!!!" Diana Borders
"I believe deeply in the deCycles mission and it's because of that that I'm happy, even anxious, to contribute to the program. The trip for me is an important reminder that we value most in life the things we have to work to achieve." Mike Cambron, deCycles 2011 Chief Mechanic
"I enjoyed the van driving, despite the long days. I'm glad that Andy enjoyed the trip. Thank you so much for providing a good environment for our children. Andy and I will be in your debt forever." Best wishes, Jim Capshew¸ deCycles veteran
"I would not be the same person without my experiences with deCycles. Thanks for getting me involved in this wonderful program." Wes Kelley, IU senior, 2000 Rookie of the Year, Chief Mechanic 2001
"The deCycles is a fantastic, caring, loving group of people. Sarah has grown and she is adjusting to things in life much better. I know there will be many long-range effects in many areas of her life." Susan Stone, mother of 2001 rookie rider Sarah Stone
"Chris came back a changed person, a man we are prouder of." Kathy Shickles, mother of 2001 rookie rider Chris Shickles
"Thanks deCycles for guiding Jacob and Nick through such a wonderful journey. They both had a great time and I think have developed and matured in many ways. The journals and photos made this nervous Mom feel much better as I read them throughout the trip." Linda Sinex, mother of veteran Jacob and rookie Nick Sinex
"We have just left the welcome home ceremony for the 2001 deCycles. Our kids our exhausted, and yet, we are so proud of all these kids who have grown so much ... back home safely ... that none of us can sleep." Pat & Jane Martin, parents of veterans Abbey, Jeannie, and Wes. The entire family has a combined total of 15 deCycles trips in 6-years
"The deCycles trip truly opens your eyes. It adds to your life and you really grow up on the trip." Isabelle Seale, 2000-2001 veteran interviewed by Bloomington newspaper
"Everyday was a wonderful day. Being able to watch the kids mature and bloom was exciting. I loved watching their faces as they viewed the grandeur of Yellowstone National Park." David Donathen, adult road support volunteer on deCycles Rocky Mountains 2001
"This is an amazing trip. Everyone here has a team riding mentality. Each group member is looking out for the other. This is very unique & rewarding." Scott Schroeder, 2001 rookie rider
"Thanks for another great ride this year. I have finally got a couple of good nights rest and all. Anyway all in all a good 3 weeks-bridges and all. I went into town Tue. and ran into some of the kids - what odds. Just to let you know - I got the BEST thank you while I was picking stuff up at Staples. I was getting in the car and a SUV pulled up and the lady yelled ‘deCycles’ - then ‘Dan’. One of the moms spotted me (without deCycles clothes) and thanked me for going and helping get them down the road. That's the best thank you of all - unsolicited. Anyway keep things going and THANKS." Dan Criswell
"It was a pleasure to be able to open our doors and welcome them here in North Conway. I'm sorry it was a bit crowded, but they're a flexible group and made it work." Susan Buchanan, Minister of Christ Episcopal Church of North Conway, NH
"Thanks so much for allowing us to come on this amazing trip. Both Dave and I said we thought this was the best trip ever, and we have wonderful memories to look back on for a long time to come." Dave and Nancy Seiling
"I just wanted to take a minute to thank you both for the amazing experience that you have just provided to our daughter, Maggie. We became aware of deCycles through friends whose children have done previous rides with you. We asked Maggie if it would be something that would interest her even though she had never had any road biking experience and, being only twelve at the time, had never been away from home for more than a week! Always one for adventure, she shrugged and said "sure". After checking out your website and seeing the journey to be taken, her interest piqued more. Through the months of training, we were amazed at the transformation that took place from beginning rider to a strong rider who would come home from a training ride with a big grin because she just pumped up a huge hill or pulled off 90 miles and still had energy to go out on the trampoline with her brother and sisters that evening! We are so very proud of her for even "wanting" to do something of this magnitude, the dedication she put into her training and the transformation in strength and confidence that she built, both emotionally and physically. Though Maggie ultimately pushed each peddle stroke on her own, it was possible because of your complete and total belief in her, your constant can-do attitude and the absolute giving of yourselves and your time to train her and to make this trip happen. We cannot fully express our gratitude to you both for your time, talent and dedication to this wonderful program! It is an experience of a lifetime that Maggie will always treasure!" Forever grateful, Jim and Elaine Kennedy
"I love deCycles!!!! I have had such a blast so far. It is tough, but the best part is growing together in spirit. I am so lucky to be on this trip." Gina Guido, IU junior and 2001 rookie rider
"I've had a hard time riding and the only thing that keeps me going is this awesome group of people. If I was doing this trip alone, I would have quit already. The deCycles is my inspiration and their cheering me makes me cry knowing how wonderful everyone is. I am glad to be a part of this adventure." Chad Stephan, BHSN graduate and 2000-2001 veteran
"I thought the trip would be a lot of biking and visiting neat places. We definitely do those things, but the people I'm surrounded by is what makes the trip. I've gotten to know so many great people. This is definitely an experience of a lifetime." Jay Minnier, IU junior and 2001 rookie
"This is a chance of a lifetime for all these riders including me. It just gets better and better everyday." Neil Beuchlein, BHSN freshman and 2001 rookie
"I am having the time of my life. I never want to go home! Mom, can we move to New York?" Maura Ratcliff, BHSS junior and 5-trip veteran
"It's awesome how so many people come up to you and ask what we are all about. We might seem all mushy when we say deCycles changed our lives. It seriously does! You learn so many skills on this trip. It will improve your life." Theo Maynard, Wisconsin sophomore and 3-trip veteran
"I have become close with people I would probably never encountered, and they have changed my life. It is soooo much fun to ride through big cities. The people cheer and whistle. I am so happy to be on this trip." Jessica Bush, BHSS sophomore
"One word to describe deCycles is 'unbelievable'. This is one of the best experiences I've ever had. It is also the greatest challenge of my life. This was everything I've ever expected, even more." Amanda Ludwig, Waterloo, Canadian high school junior
"Thanks so much for expending so much time and energy with deCycles. Jon really enjoyed the trip and had many funny stories to tell us. He really likes cycling! Jon now reports, to my ultimate happiness, that computer role playing games, like War of Warcraft, are boring. They aren't real and exciting like riding and interacting with people. This makes me very happy. This a.m he had the computer shut down by 7:45 and was getting ready for a bike ride, I thought it was awesome. This was a profound thing for Jon to learn at 15 and hopefully, one he doesn't easily forget. Thanks again for giving so selflessly to our kids and this community!" Jenny Stevens
"Thanks for putting this all together again this year. It was great to have my daughter go this year. I can't wait to hear the stories she has to tell and to see the transformation that I am anticipating from this journey. I would love to hear your perspective on how she did." Nathan Seiling
"It was such a pleasure to run into Norm, Cricket, Bob, Robin and the gang this morning! I can't tell you how happy it made me to see you all in full deCycles regalia in my new home city of Boston. What an amazing and wonderful coincidence. I will follow the rest of the trip online." Read Pukkila-Worley, MD (deCycles 1999 Veteran)
"Great to see you! Just thought I'd pass on a comment I just received from one of our staffers - "Those deCycles people, they left it cleaner than when they started!" Thanks so much. Hope the ride to Kingston was beautiful." Craig Luekens, Assoc Minister of Christ Presbyterian Church of New Haven, CT
"I've been writing my entire life and am at a loss. The deCycles is a gift and this trip has touched me. It's much more than a bike trip." Erin White, IU Junior in journalism
"It's still hard for me to believe I have pedaled a bike from Bloomington to New York. Most of us were chubby and weak before the trip. Now we are all lean, mean, cycling machines. I just know my new muscles and awesome tan will be babe magnets when I get back home." Eric Hodina, BHSS sophomore
"Cricket's phrase 'possibility junction' spins around in my head and everyday I learn that somehow 'it is possible'! Abbey Martin, Northwestern University senior and 6-trip veteran
"We were taken out of our comfort zone many times in the last 3-weeks and we had the time of our lives" Norm Houze, deCycles Director in media interview
"The toughest day of the trip is when it is over." Lauren Demming, George Washington University sophomore and 4-trip veteran
"I feel like I should send a thank-you note every day because my life has changed since the trip. It's the little things, believing that I can tackle anything that comes my way. I brag about my trip in all my classes in college." Erin White, IU Junior in journalism
"I can see a big improvement in Colin over his participation on the past four trips. It's going to make a big difference in his future." LeRoy Henry, 79, Colin's grandpa, deCycles Staff and oldest rider on 1999, 2002 trips
"It gives us pride and blessings that Mark is part of such a wonderful organization." Holly Bourdon, mother of rookie rider Mark Bourdon
"I'm having a good time explaining to my family and friends what deCycles is all about. Thanks so much for a trip that I will remember for the rest of my life." Aaron Rotman, Toronto, Canada HS sophomore
"As a member of the congregation of First United Church of Christ in Quakertown, PA, I know I speak for all our church folks that met and fed you and your group on Friday evening in saying that your trip to New England is very inspiring to us. It was indeed a pleasure to meet and congregate with you and your wonderful group. What a fantastic experience for the young cyclists. It has to be truly an experience of a lifetime for each amd every one of them and I'm sure for you and your fellow leaders a source of great pride in aiding in their spiritual development. Seeing your young group interact makes me feel comfortable about the future leaders of our wonderful country. Attached are several photos that I took and wanted to share with you and your group. God bless you all and God's speed for the remainder of your trip to Burlington VT." Frank Bellantese Quakertown, PA
"Thank you for joining us in worship. The Union Church of Boston family was enriched by your presence and we hope that your spirit was refreshed during our service of worship and praise as well as our fellowship in Cooper Hall. If the church staff can serve you in any way, we will welcome the opportunity. If travel or circumstances afford you another opportunity to visit, we will welcome you with open arms. Until we meet again, keep the faith!" Rev. LaTrelle M. Easterling
"Hi to all of you that I met when I "joined" deCycles for a couple of hours on Monday 11 july. It was great to meet so many of you, riders and non riders. A special thanks to Mike for making me feel so welcome and riding at my pace. I have added deCycles to my favourites and will look out for you on your future adventures." Many thanks and safe riding, Keith Alderson
"Thank you, thank you, thank you for helping our child grow." Betsy Merceron, mother of rookie rider and BHSN sophomore Laurent Merceron
"Thanks for taking Eric on the trip of his life. He was extremely upbeat upon return and is eager to go next year." Wendy Hodina, mother of rookie rider and BHSS sophomore Eric Hodina
"Wow, are we impressed with deCycles! Amanda has told us so much about the trip. She absolutely loves it. She can't believe how well she is being treated." Susan Ludwig, mother of rookie rider Amanda Ludwig
"I can't imagine what it must be like to organize something of this magnitude. I'm sure this experience is something our daughter will treasure forever." Sharon Bitzer, mother of rookie rider and IU junior Corey Bitzer
"The trip was an unbelievable experience that I'll never forget. You managed to get all of us down the road and home safely. Thanks so much." Corey Bitzer, IU junior
"The deCycles are an amazing group of people. I'm sure the trip is an experience that Aaron will never forget." Phil Rotman, father of rookie rider and Canadian HS student Aaron Rotman
"All I do in school is dream of biking with deCycles next year." Aaron Rotman, Toronto HS junior
"The Bloomington Bicycle Club wishes to express our thanks for supporting bicycling in the community and especially the impact of deCycles challenging teenagers to ride." Joe Anderson, Treasurer of Bloomington Bicycle Club
"I have been following the trip non-stop every single day. The first thing I do each morning is check the deCycles website for the daily journals and photos. I wish I could be there to share the experience with you." Wes Kelley, deCycles 2000 Rookie of the Year
"The daily journal on the website is wonderful and just about makes us cry when we read it." Laurel Bender, mother of rookie rider Joe Bender.
"What's up deCycles! This is Max, Erin, and Keagan and we've been looking at all your pictures and getting insanely jealous. Most of you don't know us, but we are your brothers and sister of the road. Ask Bob about the time Max and Keagan wore their airbrush t-shirts over their deCycles ones in 2009! We hope you're all having a great time in New England, pedaling away through those green hills. deCycles has helped define all of our lives and we hope it does the same for you. So battle through those 6 am wake-ups and don't get discouraged when you get your 4th flat of the day. As Erin Boyle said, "deCycles has made me who I am, and for that I am eternally grateful." Ride like the wind!" Max, Erin, and Keagan
"I was out for a morning run along the Charles River in Boston this morning and in a truly spectacular coincidence, I was passed by the deCycles crew on their way out of town. It was such a pleasure to see Norm, Cricket, Bob and Robin again, to re-live memories from our incredible trip more than a decade ago and to hear stories of other former deCycles! Good luck on the rest of the journey!!" Read Pukkila-Worley, MD ... Proud deCycles veteran ... 1999 Transamericycles
"This message is from Hickory Park Restaurant. Linda and I was very happy to provide water, ice and restrooms for your group, we were impressed with the manners and politeness of the riders. We wish you the best on your journey and we will keep you in our prayers. God Bless.” Marion & Linda Nunan
"I remember the log cabin church in Jackson, WY when Jack busted out the song 'In The Name Of Love' and 'All You Need Is Love'. I will remember that moment forever, because I experienced an incredible feeling of satisfaction and contentment on a trip of a lifetime." Kim Gerbers, IU senior and deCycles Rookie and Rider of the Years 2000-2001
"The video of the trip was one of the most amazing things I've ever seen. It serves as a wonderful salute to our country and is a cherished chronicle of the best summer adventure I've ever been on. The memories of our 'Ride For Peace' has inspired me and brought a smile to my face in the many days since." Jason Atwood, Georgetown University sophomore
"I enjoyed the trip video so much that when I sensed that it was coming to an end, I said, 'Oh no, I want more!' With the subject matter itself, add in some great participants and leaders... how could the end result not be top notch. What a wonderful production!" Katy Ratcliff, mother of 5-trip veteran Maura Ratcliff
"I was not sure what to expect. I didn't know a single person and was nervous. I was challenged in every way possible and made so many new friends. I am more motivated and positive-minded because of the trip. I realize that I can conquer my problems. I am so thankful." Dominic Freiburger, recent IU graduate
"I have watched the deCycles video five times now and will never sicken of it." Susan Ludwig, mother of rookie rider Amanda Ludwig
"Every time we came to a hill someone would come up behind me and give me a push up the hill. The biggest surprise that I got was when Sarah Johnson, who was just 15 years old pushed me up a couple of hills. I was really amazed at all of the help that I got from everyone." LeRoy Henry, 79 deCycles elder statesman
"How long does the deCycles effect last? Our daughter eats right, makes her bed, cleans up, and is extremely happy since she returned from the trip." Doug Johnson, parent of rookie rider and BHSS sophomore Sarah Johnson
"deCycles is truly an experience I'll never forget." Jeremy Hess, IU Senior and deCycles 2002 Rookie of the Year
"Chase, now that you have a good crash under your belt, let's keep the rubber down and tires vertical. Horizontal tires don't work so well. Good luck tomorrow and have a great ride!" Adam Borders
"I want to thank deCycles for giving me the opportunity to go on this trip. It was such an amazing experience for me and never thought I could ever achieve something so big. I found an inner part of me not seen before. I learned patience, I learned to push harder, and I learned to be a leader and take responsibility for myself. I now have two families with deCycles. Thanks so much." Maggie Kennedy, 13 deCycles Rookie Rider of the 2011
“A few days ago, the local church to which I now belong to here in Stowe, hosted a large group of student cyclists cycling from Indiana, to NYC and through New England. Their journey included commemorating the 10th Anniversary of 9/ll and visiting Ground Zero and those other sites forever etched in the minds of freedom loving people. Their visit included an overnight stay at the church while touring Vermont. During a BBQ hosted by the church, the group shared their history and purpose for their ride for peace. My husband and I were amazed by this unique group. I was told by a proud grandfather, an adult leader and military veteran, of the change in his grandson as a result of this trip and the events inspiring it. The young cyclists were kind, thoughtful, and gracious in their gratitude for the church providing food and shelter. We were moved by their marathon achievement and we noted their emotion as they shared their story. I felt an immediate sense of connection with the deCycles leadership for this inspiring demonstration of physical and mental courage. They seemed to understand their duty as an American. I felt keenly that each one of those cyclists felt similarly. I was very humbled. As I head towards becoming an American citizen myself, those cyclists for me epitomized what being an American is. They were very inspiring.” Lesley Rust
"We rode 1500-miles with our bodies, 10,000-miles with our minds, and a million miles with our spirit." Norm Houze, deCycles Director.
"I could've made more money at my summer job. Instead, I became richer by going on the deCycles trip." Zachary May, Vincennes University junior and deCycles 2002 Rider of the Year
"I hereby proclaim the 22nd day of June 2002 as 'deCycles Day' and urge all of Bloomington to recognize this youth bicycling group and send them forth with speed and safety on their mission of peace." John Fernandez, Mayor of Bloomington during 2002 ceremonial sendoff downtown
"Be the peace you want to see in this world!" Cricket Houze, deCycles devotions leader
"Life is like a bike. Some people don't have a bike! I am thankful for deCycles." Jack Quigley, deCycles veteran songleader
“I would highly encourage everyone to take this trip, yes even those that have graduated. I took this trip this past year and it was amazing. The trip is difficult, dirty, and frustrating at times, but there is more amazing than anything else. I came back after the trip able to do anything. I went for a ride with a pro female and she asked me to slow down on a climb, I cut 5 min off my half marathon, and I looked really good and skinny. This trips looks so beautiful and is a once in a lifetime experience and would be a great bonding trip for the KD team. Please considered giving it a try and fit it in your summer schedule, you will be very happy you did.” Lauren Ziemba, deCycles 2009, IU graduate, Little 5 All-Star Veteran
“Thank you, from the bottom of my heart! deCycles has been an instrumental part in Ashley's life and without the free airfare, she would not have been able to go this year. I am looking forward to summer 2011 when nursing school is finished and I can ride with you!” Mike Lewandowskl
“You can't see me, but I'm doing a little yippee yea dance. Thanks, Norm. We're all very excited Erin is going on deCycles again!!!” Becky Boyle
"This trip was an experience of a lifetime for me. I’ve learned new things about myself. What stuck with me most was ‘take one pedal at a time’. Through good and bad, this will help me strive and become the best ‘me’! I am also opened to the world of opportunities and makes me want to work even harder in school. I’m so excited for future adventures. When things get tough, I’ll just remember my deCycles trip." Chris Lambert, rookie rider
"When I first heard about the trip, it sounded amazing and unrealistic. Then when the training started, I didn’t think I could do it. Others who believed in me helped me to believe in me. But finally on the trip, I got to experience new places and different people all helping to make me grow. I realized I can accomplish anything I put in my mind. I’m so thankful I didn’t give up and actually finished the entire trip. I’ll never forget the people and the places. Thanks for making this trip possible." Megan Lambert, 22, rookie rider
"First I would like to thank you for such a moving, fun, and educational trip this summer! While I did not realize it at the time, it was a great period of physical, but more importantly emotional and spiritual growth for me. Every time I reflect on the people, sights, and lessons of the trip I realize more fully how special the experience was to me. Along with forming great new friendships, I felt privileged to be there as part of deCycles when we paid tribute to those lost in the 9/11 attacks. I did not understand what really happened when I was 8 years old the day of the attacks. Over the years I had gleaned bits of the meaning from stories of adults, but it was not until my experience this summer that I really began to appreciate how 9/11 forever altered my life and the lives of those in my generation. I am deeply thankful to both of you for giving me this opportunity to learn and experience in at least a small way what it means to be an American, and more broadly, a member of a strong, loving community. I have attached an essay I am writing for college about what heroes mean to me, and how my conception of heroes changed over the course of the trip." Grant Nice, rookie rider
"Thanks so much! We are delighted for Bo to go again!!" Michelle Henderson
"I'm so excited to be going on the trip this year and I'm sure it will be a blast." Brian Shuchart, 5-trip deCycles veteran
"Again.... thanks for much for providing this opportunity/adventure to Mackenzie and so many others." Ruth Dube'
"It's hard to believe my little boy is now taller than me and has already been on 5 deCycles trips. Brian is enjoying his freshman year at James Madison University in VA. He is on a club team and will be racing in a few weeks at NC State, the Naval Academy and a few other east coast schools. You guys really have been a positive influence on him and many others. Keep up the good work!" Thanks, Larry Shuchart
"I applaud you for dedication to the kids, the sport and the lifestyle of cycling. I hope one day to have one of my kids ride the ride, maybe this year. Thanks for doing this event." Bob Holahan, Bicycle Garage
"You have an amazing mentoring and leadership program. On behalf of the Union United Methodist Church family, we are delighted to have been part of the journey of the deCycles this year. It was awesome to witness the energy and discipline of your entire crew. I know that it will serve these young people well. We pray many blessings to you and for current and future riders. Thank you for the photos and emails. We look forward to your next trip!" Rev. Catharine A. Cummings Associate Pastor, Union United Methodist Church Boston, MA
"I have the trainer set up ready to work off all the food for Thanksgiving. I thought about deCycles on Veteran's Day as well. Thanks again for all the memories." Jim Schopper (# 20)
"We are very thankful that our lives lead us to Bloomington and eventually our children discovered the wonderful program of deCycles. Our kids have both been changed in very positive ways by participating on these bike trips and discovering inner strength and capability. For this we are very grateful!!" Jenny, Frank, Jes, Jon, and Georgie (10 and waiting………)
"I wanted to take a minute and be thankful for deCycles. I was driving with the kids to my hockey game last night and we were talking about things. Samara mentioned that last week was pretty easy, but she then said that before deCycles, that week would have been really hard. She then talked about how deCycles changed her. Showed her that she can be more than she was. Gave her such responsibility for that 3 weeks and changed how she looks at the world and at problems. Thank you for your input into her life." Nathan and Tanya Seiling
"Delilah and I will be there!! ;-) Sending you all positive energy and huge hugs!!" Sue Eastwood, deCycles veteran
"Hi Cricket, By now, 10 am on Monday June 25, I’m thinking your group may have already arrived in Park City. You were wise to get an early start, as today is supposed to be another “killer.” This weather has been totally unlike what we normally get in June, so I’ve been thinking of/praying for deCycles all weekend. I was so relieved to see your van and all the cyclists when I arrived at church yesterday morning. It was a delight to have the group participate in our service – truly wonderful!! The music/words were a terrific testimony. I especially loved seeing the young man in the front row with a huge smile on his face, really getting into it, with all the words memorized, etc. I went downstairs after the service to meet you, but you were talking to the youth who were all sitting around tables. Thank you for leaving the premises so spic and span. It’s not often that a group of this size stays here without leaving any evidence behind! We were blessed by your presence and happy to be introduced to this tremendous ministry. Praying for God’s continued protection in the days ahead." Maggie Haggberg, First Presbyterian Church of Salt Lake City
"Go Cricket! You're my hero! I love you!" Bonnie Fye, 5-trip deCycles veteran
"Thank you for posting all of these beautiful pictures. Finding Keenan in them is like finding Waldo. I've been sharing the pictures on Facebook for family and friends who are not familiar with the deCycles. :) Thank you for all that you do." DeeAnna May, parent
"Sounds like a character building day : ) Best wishes for a safe trip down the road." Caitlin VanKooten, 5-trip deCycles veteran and 2-time Little 500 champion
"Great photos you just uploaded Norm! You are making such an impact on those kids and adults!" Nathan Seiling, deCycles veteran
"Great pictures. The trip looks great." Steve Holbrook, deCycles parent
"Daphne - You're doing a fantastic job!! Thank you so much. With a child gone for four weeks, and limited use to their phone, these updates and photos help out with the separation anxiety on the parents' end. Teenagers are doing just fine, I'm certain. ;) Thank you again for all of your hard work. I know you have little ones of your own, and one on the way, so your time towards this is greatly appreciated." DeeAnna May, parent
"Wish I was there with you!" Joe Law, deCycles fan
"Norm - Thanks for the information. I know Kaleb is having a blast. He told me on the phone that this is his 'personal pilgrimage' and that he has learned so much! I am so thankful he gets to experience all the beautiful country out West...on Bike!!! What an experience of a life time!!” Renee Rich, parent
"Thanks SO MUCH for the links. The pictures are terrific and so are all of you who are helping. Can't believe you had probably the hottest week on record in some of your areas. These kids will be talking about this forever. What a wonderful experience!! Wish I could have done it when I was at IU. Thanks again to everyone." Kay Nowinski, parent
"I'm loving these updates - its taking me back 10 years when we traveled to some of the same cities on our deCycles trip - ride like the wind! Tell Cricket hello!!" Jay Minner, 2001 deCycles veteran
"I remember these views and the day I rode Trail Ridge. It was a long 20 some miles, but so rewarding at the end!" JiMele Klein Feller, 3-trip veteran
"What an incredible role model! Thank you Cricket for all you do for these kids!! xoxo" Michelle Moore, parent
"I love seeing the route on the map! Thanks for all the pictures and updates!! This is gorgeous country … love it in Colorado!! Have fun deCycles ... enjoy!!!" Renee Rich, parent
"THANK YOU!!!!!!!" Sue Holler, parent
"I can't thank you enough for another great summer for Emily. She really grew on this one!!" Jodi Moon, parent
"Alex did grow significantly from the trip. It was a real eye opener for him. Up close and personal is what deCycles brings to these riders. A once in a lifetime experience." Dave Houze, parent and Norm’s brother
"Hello Norm & Cricket! Just emailing to make sure you've recovered from our fantastic cross-country journey. I also want to thank you for the wonderful experience I was taken on. It was truly the trip of a lifetime. I know the work that was put into the trip was truly hard, and everyone appreciates it. I can't wait to see everyone next year! Thanks!" Zach Howe #33
"You all are crazy in a wonderful way. We just did the Trail Ridge Road in a car and it was scary at times. I can only imagine the thrills you experienced on two wheels." Larry Shuchart, deCycles veteran adult volunteer
"Kaleb still talks about how generous the churches were for housing and food!! Thanks again for hosting deCycles this year :)" Renee Rich, parent
"GREAT accomplishment. Congrats to all the cyclists and support team." Bloomington resident
"What a blessing to have gotten to go on the trip...a challenging blessing (if there is such a thing) but a blessing nonetheless. I came to tears again last night in sharing with a friend...or trying to share...the emotions of watching the riders push & struggle on the hills and to get down the road - long miles and high temps and to get to cheer them on and celebrate with them as they did. It didn't matter if it was one more hill or one more mile than they had done the day before, whatever their individual 'better', 'more' or 'deeper' was, they were heroes to me because they took a challenge that was full of uncertainty and went for it. In life, not everyone will be the fastest or the strongest but everyone can make a difference and it usually happens one day, one step, one pedal at a time and with strength and courage of heart. I am so thankful to have gotten to see that grow in the riders. My hope for them is that they will draw from that throughout their lives. Grace and peace," Sherri Clarke, adult volunteer
"Just an outstanding accomplishment ... what great perseverance as a group ... something they can cherish for a lifetime ... Congratulations to all!!" Bloomington resident
"What did you do on summer vacation? Biked from San Francisco to Bloomington. You? Yep! Amazing!" Bloomington resident
"I look forward to reading the accomplishments of this group each summer! May safety and wonderful adventure be yours!!" Bloomington resident
"Words cannot express my sincere and deep gratitude for the amazing servie and passion with which the deCycles leadership shares with so many. You are the model of the hands and feet of Jesus in this world. We are so luck Whitney could have such an amazing summer experience. Please know how grateful we are. Love," Sandy Biggs, parent
"I want to thank you and all the adult volunteers for instilling a tremendous sense of pride and accomplishment that beams from Owen when I hear him describe his adventure to friends and family. For that, I am forever grateful. Ride like the wind" Tom Hayes, parent
"I want to thank you for all the encouragement and support during this deCycles trip and all past trips. These trips have a special place in my heart. The cycle and lifestyle is so simple, but really brings out the best in others. As you say time and time again, the pain makes us stronger. We all travel through life one pedal stroke at a time. Love," Will Brumleve, 3-trip deCycles veteran
"I can’t even begin to thank you for all the time and effort you put into this year’s deCycles trip. I admire and respect the deCycles family. I had such an amazing experience on this year’s trip and that was only made possible by the hard work of all the adult volunteers. The deCycles has had such a profound impact on my life and I hope it has had the same influence on the rest of the riders. I hope that the memories made on this year’s trip will last forever and continue to hold a special place in our hearts. Thank you so much for your countless efforts to make the deCycles trip meaningful to all. Love," Whitney Biggs, deCycles group leader
"I would love to go on this trip, but can’t, so I’m baking a bunch of cookies for you.. I loved doing this and hope you all recognize what an incredible and unique journey you have embarked on. The deCycles is truly an amazing opportunity and your very presence on the trip shows lots of courage. I know you all can make it. A few words of advice....laugh a lot, enjoy the scenery, and never forget the hard work of Norm, Cricket, Robin, Bob, and Penny. I am eternally grateful for my experiences with deCycles and am grateful to these leaders who make it possible. Finally, I wish you all the best of luck and crossing my fingers that you do not encounter hail, broken bones, closed roads, etc. Take care of yourselves and others. And someone please make sure Cricket eats one of my cookie treats. Such a sweet lady deserves a taste of something sweet and yummy. Remember, carrots are for the road, cookies are for off the road. Much love," Miriam Kerler, 4-trip deCycles veteran
"This trip was truly life changing for me. It made me dig deeper inside myself to find that mental and physical strength to get through the day. It made me realize that biking is just like life. There are going to be difficult mountains to climb like the Sierras in Nevada, and we will reach the summit with determination. I have been taught so much on my two deCycles trips. This trip taught me to be strong, never give up, and find confidence somehow. It taught me to have a good attitude and how it can affect others. I was taught there is beauty in all things no matter how small or whether I was in Kansas. I am inspired to continue my life in this way and am blessed to spend 4 weeks on the road with deCycles. I am forever grateful." Love, Maggie Kennedy, 2-trip deCycles veteran